This app is made for 2024 so it contains all 2024 US holidays.This is a calendar app that provides information about the US calendar.In this app, you can see both US Holidays Calendar on one page simultaneously.In this app, the data of all the states of the whole USA is available you have been given the information of the calendar along with USA holidays.USA Calendar is a beautiful and simple app to look at and less in size.Some American holiday calendars for the year 2024Jan 1 New Years DayJan 2 New Years Day day offJan 16 Martin Luther King Jr. DayFeb 20 Presidents DayMay 29 Memorial DayJun 19 JuneteenthJul 4 Independence DaySep 4 Labor DayOct 9 Columbus DayNov 10 Veterans Day day offNov 11 Veterans DayNov 23 Thanksgiving DayDec 25 Christmas Day